On the long term negative effects of rusting on steel valves will reduce the structural integrity of the valve, since rust has different physical characteristics than steel
Zinc, aluminum and magnesium are more electronegative than steel they are increasingly able to supply electrons to the more electropositive steel when in electrical contact in water,
Cathodic protection may be achieved in either of two ways. By the use of an impressed current from an electrical source, or by the use of sacrificial anodes (galvanic action).
You can protect piping which in contact with the ground or routinely contains fuel by one of the following methods
made of a non-corrodible material (such as fiberglass or flexible plastic)
made of steel and coated and cathodically protected
made of steel and cathodically protected
isolated from contacting the earth by being inside some form of secondary containment that is made of a non-corrodible material
The fluid flow velocities in water systems should not exceed certain limits to avoid noise and damaging wear and tear of pipes and fittings. The table below can be used as guidance to maximum velocities:
A maximum variability factor of 25% has been established by MSS to limit the load differential which may be prescribed in a variable spring support
Travel stops are installed in all constant spring support before shipping. These must be present during any hydro testing, but must be removed during installation before normal operations
Hydrazine is used within both nuclear and conventional electrical power plant steam cycles to control concentrations of dissolved oxygen in an effort to reduce corrosion.
Holiday Detector provides accurate detection of pinholes, flaws, inclusions, thin spots and bubbles in a coating.
The standard manufacturing thicknesses for spiral wound gaskets are 3.2, 4.5 & 6.5 (measured across metallic strip not including the filler which protrudes 0.2 : 0.3 mm beyond the metal