
Design-Engineering-Construction-Testing & Commissioning of piping


Tag: Testing

Basic procedure for conducting piping pressure tests based on ASME B31.3

I. Purpose

  • To verify the integrity and leak-tightness of the constructed piping system before it is put into service
  • To ensure compliance with ASME B31.3 code requirements

II. Scope

  • This procedure applies to all new piping systems and modified piping systems within the specified facility or project
  • It covers hydrostatic and pneumatic testing methods

III. References

  • ASME B31.3, Process Piping
  • Project Piping Specifications
  • Approved Piping Drawings and Isometrics

IV. Responsibilities

  • Piping Engineer: Responsible for determining the test pressure, test medium, and any special testing requirements
  • Construction Supervisor: Responsible for ensuring that the piping system is properly prepared for testing, including adequate supports and restraints
  • Quality Control Inspector: Responsible for witnessing and documenting the pressure test
  • Test Personnel: Responsible for performing the pressure test in accordance with this procedure

V. Prerequisites

  • All piping fabrication and installation must be complete and inspected
  • All welds must be visually inspected
  • Piping system should be supported per the design requirements
  • Temporary supports may be needed to accommodate the weight of the test fluid
  • All components, including valves, fittings, and specialty items, must be properly installed and tightened
  • The piping system must be clean and free from debris
  • All connections not subject to the pressure test must be disconnected or isolated using blinds or other suitable methods
  • Pressure gauges must be calibrated and certified
  • Safety relief devices must be installed or provisions made to prevent over pressurization
  • All personnel involved in the test must be trained and familiar with this procedure and potential hazards

VI. Test Medium

  • Hydrostatic Test: Potable water is the preferred test medium. If water could damage the system or cannot be used due to freezing, a suitable non-toxic liquid with a flash point above 120°F (49°C) may be used
  • Pneumatic Test: Clean, dry compressed air or nitrogen is used

VII. Test Pressure

  • Hydrostatic Test Pressure: Calculated per ASME B31.3, para. 345.4.2
    The test pressure shall be 1.5 times the design pressure multiplied by the ratio of the allowable stress at the test temperature to the allowable stress at the design

Basic Hydrotest requirements

1- Filling pump (high flow rate )

2- Pressure Pump (high head)

3- Manual pump (for small loops)

4- High pressure hose 150 bar

5- Non asbestos sheets

6- Small Fitting ½” ¾”

7- Ball, check & safety valves

8- Pressure gauges

9- Compressor 10 bar


Painting welded joints not affected hydro-test


Pneumatic test pressure= 1.1 design pressure according to ASME (B31.1& B31.3)


Hydro-test test pressure= 1.5 design pressure according to (ASME B31.1 & B31.3)